Wednesday 14 August 2013

Breaking the Brotherhood: Is Egypt sliding into bloody civil war? . . .

Memecahkan Ikhwan: Apakah Egypt terjerumus ke dalam perang saudara? Keselamatan Mesir memaksa tegas tersebar penunjuk perasaan yang setia kepada bekas Presiden Mohammed Morsi di kem-kem bantahan di Kaherah awal Rabu. Sekurang-kurangnya 15 orang, termasuk beberapa anggota pasukan keselamatan, dilaporkan terbunuh dalam pertempuran.

Ikhwan Muslimin jurucakap Gehad El-Haddad, bagaimanapun, mendakwa bahawa seramai 600 orang telah dibunuh dan 5,000 cedera dalam operasi polis. RT bercakap kepada Hugh Miles yang telah menulis secara meluas mengenai Kaherah dan revolusi di Timur Tengah.

Breaking the Brotherhood: Is Egypt sliding into bloody civil war? Egyptian security forces forcefully dispersed protesters loyal to ousted President Mohammed Morsi at protest camps in Cairo early Wednesday. At least 15 people, including some members of the security forces, were reported killed in the clashes.

Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Gehad El-Haddad, however, claimed that as many as 600 people had been killed and 5,000 injured in the police operation. RT talks to Hugh Miles who has written extensively about Cairo and the revolutions in the Middle East.

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