Wednesday 16 October 2013

Pelan B: Bank-bank pusat bersedia kewangan untuk Armageddon

Reuters/Kevin Lamarque (think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

MaliaJYy - Jika perbahasan hutang siling Amerika Syarikat melepasi detik jam sebelas, dan lalai ekonomi terbesar di DUNIA menjadi kenyataan, yang membawa bank-bank pusat di seluruh DUNIA sedang menyiapkan diri untuk mengurangkan kerugian dan memastikan fungsi ekonomi DUNIA.

Ikut Terkini LIVE (LIVE UPDATES) RT mengenai krisis
bajet Amerika Syarikat

Jika undang-undang Amerika Syarikat tidak mencapai kata sepakat bajet dan menaikkan hutang siling pada Khamis Oktober 17, Amerika Syarikat akan menjadi kuasa Barat pertama yang lalai seperti Nazi Jerman pada tahun 1933, dan akan menghantar pasaran ke wilayah ‘Uncharted’.

Selebihnya DUNIA sedang bersiap sedia untuk apa yang akan berlaku jika rang undang-undang tersebut ditolak, dan inci Amerika Syarikat dekat dengan tidak membayar hutang, yang sebahagian besarnya adalah asing dipegang dalam bentuk Bon Perbendaharaan Amerika Syarikat.

Bank-bank pusat telah mula bersedia untuk senario kes terburuk jika Amerika Syarikat tidak bersalah, yang akan mengakibatkan penurunan nilai serius bon Perbendaharaan, bayaran lewat, dan versi yang lebih besar-besaran penutupan kerajaan sekarang.

“Oleh kerana pada masa lalu ia sentiasa diselesaikan sememangnya bukan alasan untuk gagal berbuat perancangan luar jangka,” Jon Cunliffe, yang akan menjadi Bank Timbalan Gabenor England bagi kestabilan kewangan pada bulan November, kata ahli parlimen UK.

 “Saya menjangkakan Bank of England untuk merancang untuk itu [lalai Amerika Syarikat]. Saya harapkan ‘actors’ sektor swasta untuk berbuat demikian, dan di negara-negara lain juga, “kata Cunliffe, yang mengakui lalai sebagai” risiko utama kepada [global] sistem kewangan”.

Bank Pusat Eropah dan Bank Rakyat China (PBC) telah melanda perjanjian yang bergerak kedua-dua bank lebih jauh dari orbit dolar. Kedua-dua bank bersetuju untuk ‘menukar’ $56 billion bernilai yuan untuk $60.8 billion bernilai euro.

Banyak bank-bank pusat mempunyai rizab dalam bentuk Dana Kekayaan Sovereign , yang juga berisiko jika mungkir Amerika Syarikat, kerana banyak aset dipegang dalam dolar. Kenderaan-kenderaan ini pelaburan boleh dilumpuhkan oleh lalai. China dianggarkan lebih daripada $1.3 trillion - terbesar di DUNIA.

Peralihan bersejarah

Neil Mackinnon, bekas UK rasmi Perbendaharaan, memberitahu RT tango lalai Amerika Syarikat menandakan satu perubahan dalam paradigma ekonomi global, dari Barat ke Timur.

Jika Amerika Syarikat tidak bertindak segera,” dolar akan merosot dan kepentingannya akan berpindah ke sistem mata wang berbilang kutub dan mata wang lain akan mengambil di atas kapal lebih penting,” kata MacKinnon.

Pada hujung minggu, pemimpin ekonomi dari seluruh dunia bertemu di Washington DC pada mesyuarat tahunan Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa. Pengarah urusan dana, Christine LaGarde, mengeluarkan amaran keras sistem kewangan global boleh memasuki kemelesetan jika Amerika Syarikat terlepas tarikh akhir hutangnya.

Senat Amerika Syarikat berkata, mereka akan mengumumkan perjanjian untuk menamatkan penutupan dan melanjutkan siling hutang pada hari Selasa, yang akan melalui ke House, di mana ia akan menghadapi keras lawan Obama Republikan yang mahu mengurangkan pembiayaan Akta Penjagaan Mampu.

Pemimpin Majoriti Senat, Harry Reid, seorang Demokrat, mengatakan Selasa mempunyai potensi untuk menjadi “hari cerah” dan membawa tenang kembali ke pasaran global.

Plan B: Central banks getting ready for financial Armageddon

If the US debt-ceiling debate goes past the eleventh hour, and the default of the world’s largest economy becomes a reality, leading central banks around the world are gearing up to minimize losses and keep the world economy functioning.

Follow RT's LIVE UPDATES on the US budget crisis

If US lawmakers don’t reach a budget consensus and raise the debt ceiling by Thursday October 17, the US will become the first Western power to default since Nazi Germany in 1933, and will send markets into uncharted territory.

The rest of the world is bracing itself for what would happen if the bill is rejected, and the US inches closer to defaulting on its debts, which are largely foreign- held in the form of US Treasury Bonds.

Central banks have begun preparing for the worst-case scenario if US does fault, which would result in a serious devaluation of Treasury bonds, delayed payments, and a more large-scale version of the current government shutdown.

“Because in the past it’s always been sorted out is absolutely not a reason to fail to do the contingency planning,” Jon Cunliffe, who will become the Bank of England’s deputy governor for financial stability in November, told UK lawmakers.

“I would expect the Bank of England to be planning for it [US default]. I’d expect private-sector actors to be doing that, and in other countries as well,” said Cunliffe, who acknowledged a default as “the main risk to the [global] financial system”.

The European Central Bank and the People’s Bank of China (PBC) have struck a deal that moves both banks farther from the dollar orbit. The two banks agreed to ‘swap’ $56 billion worth of yuan for $60.8 billion worth of euros.

Many central banks have reserves in the form of Sovereign Wealth Funds, which are also at risk if the US defaults, as many of the assets are held in dollars. These investment vehicles could be crippled by a default. China’s is estimated at more than $1.3 trillion - the world’s largest.

A historic shift

Neil Mackinnon, a former UK Treasury official, told RT the US default tango marks a shift in the global economic paradigm, from West to East.

If the US doesn’t act soon, “the dollar will decline and its importance will move to a multi-polar currency system and other currencies will take on board more importance,” said Mackinnon.

Over the weekend, economic leaders from around the world met in Washington DC at the International Monetary Fund’s annual meeting. The fund’s managing director, Christine LaGarde, issued a harsh warning the global financial system could enter a recession if the US misses its debt deadline.

The US Senate said they will announce a deal to end the shutdown and extend the debt ceiling on Tuesday, which will pass through to the House, where it will face Obama’s hard-nosed Republican opponents who want to cut funding of the Affordable Care Act.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat, said Tuesday has the potential to be a “bright day” and bring calm back to the global markets.

London to become Chinese Offshore banking centre

Bendera berkibar tergantung dari ‘Bank of China’ pejabat di Kota London  (A flag hangs from the Bank of China offices in the City of London (Reuters/Toby Melville - think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

MaliaJYy - Britain telah melonggarkan peraturan yang ketat bagi bank-bank Cina bersedia untuk melabur di London. Beijing pula membuka pasaran kepada pelabur yang berpangkalan di Britain, menandakan langkah terbaru untuk menubuhkan yuan sebagai salah satu mata wang utama di DUNIA.

“Sebuah negara yang besar seperti China perlu mempunyai mata wang global,” kata UK menteri kewangan , George Osborne, semasa 5 hari lawatan rasmi ke China. Dan UK adalah dengan senang hati bersedia untuk menyumbang” melalui pusat antarabangsa kewangan : London”

Di bawah program perintis bersetuju, China dibenarkan pelabur yang berpangkalan di London untuk membeli sehingga 80 bilion yuan ($13.1 billion) daripada saham, bon dan instrumen pasaran wang secara langsung , mengelakkan Hong Kong transaksi, laporan Reuters.

Sementara itu, Britain akan membenarkan bank-bank China membuka cawangan borong di London, memudahkan peraturan-peraturan negara telah dikenakan selepas krisis kewangan tercetus. Sejak tahun 2008, Britain telah menegaskan bahawa pemberi pinjaman yang paling asing harus menubuhkan operasi UK mereka sebagai “anak-anak” dan bukannya cawangan, yang menyediakan perlindungan yang lebih besar bagi pendeposit dan pembayar cukai. Peraturan yang kurang akan disambut oleh peminjam Cina yang sentiasa mengadu kaedah yang dibuat sukar untuk beroperasi di Britain, mendorong mereka untuk bergerak banyak perniagaan mereka ke Luxembourg.

Selain itu, London dan Beijing akan perdagangan yuan berbanding dolar secara langsung, mengelakkan dolar.

“Mata wang China, renminbi, tidak terlalu terkenal di Britain pada masa ini. Tetapi sepanjang hayat saya, saya fikir ia akan menjadi hampir biasa seperti dolar, dan saya mahu perniagaan British yang terlibat dalam perdagangan itu, melabur di dalamnya,” Osborne memberitahu BBC televisyen di China.

Pada masa akaun London untuk 62 peratus daripada dagangan yuan di luar China dan Hong Kong, menurut data daripada pembekal perkhidmatan kewangan SWIFT. Langkah terbaru ini akan memberi kesan renminbi yang lebih kukuh di Eropah dan menguatkan platform London untuk membangunkan RM (renminbi) pasaran bon luar pesisir.

Menurut ramalan HSBC, dalam tempoh 5 tahun 1/3 daripada jumlah perdagangan China akan berada di yuan, yang akan membuat ia ditukar sepenuhnya dan meningkatkan ke dalam top 3 mata wang pertukaran. Menurut data yang dikumpul oleh Bloomberg, yuan telah mengukuh 36% peratus berbanding dolar dan 47% peratus berbanding pound sejak 2005.

London to become Chinese offshore banking centre

Britain has relaxed stringent rules for Chinese banks willing to set up in London. Beijing in turn opened up its markets to British-based investors, marking the latest move to establish the yuan as one of the world’s key currencies.

“A great nation like China should have a global currency,” said UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, during his official five day visit to China. And the UK is gladly willing to contribute “through the international center of finance: London”.

Under the agreed pilot program, China sanctioned London-based investors to buy up to 80 billion yuan ($13.1 billion) of stocks, bonds and money market instruments directly, avoiding Hong Kong transactions, Reuters reports.

Meanwhile, Britain will let Chinese banks set up wholesale branches in London, easing regulations the country had imposed after the financial crisis broke out. Since 2008, Britain has insisted that most foreign lenders should set up their UK operations as "subsidiaries" rather than branches, which provides greater protection for depositors and taxpayers. Less regulation will be welcomed by Chinese lenders who have always complained the rules made it hard to operate in Britain, prompting them to move much of their business to Luxembourg.

On top of that, London and Beijing will trade the yuan against the dollar directly, avoiding the dollar.

"The Chinese currency, the renminbi, is not terribly well known in Britain at the moment. But over my lifetime I think it's going to become almost as familiar as the dollar, and I want British businesses involved in trading it, investing in it," Osborne told BBC television in China.

Currently London accounts for 62 percent of yuan trades outside China and Hong Kong, according to data from financial services provider SWIFT. The latest move will give the renminbi a firmer footprint in Europe and strengthen London's platform to develop the offshore RM (renminbi) bond market.

According to an HSBC forecast, within 5 years a third of China’s total trade will be in yuan, which will make it fully convertible and elevate it into the top 3 exchange currencies. According to data compiled by Bloomberg, the yuan has already strengthened 36 percent against the dollar and 47 percent versus the pound since 2005.

American Exceptionalism: Monopoly on Democracy? (RT Documentary)

MaliaJYy - Exceptionalism Amerika: Monopoli Demokrasi? (RT Documentary) Apakah exceptionalism Amerika? Di manakah DUNIA Amerika Syarikat monopoli mengenai demokrasi datang? Bagaimana Amerika Syarikat memberi sendiri lesen untuk melakukan kerana ianya mengkehendaki? “Exceptionalism” adalah sebuah filem oleh RT wartawan Anissa Naouai.

American Exceptionalism: Monopoly on Democracy? 
(RT Documentary) . . .

What is American exceptionalism? Where does the US's world monopoly on democracy come from? How does the US give itself license to do as it pleases? "Exceptionalism" is a film by RT correspondent Anissa Naouai.

hadis megenai bendera Hitam dari Khurasan (Afghanistan) 

Berkaitan riwayat oleh Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu anhu. Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam berkata:. "(tentera‘Allah yang membawa) Bendera Hitam akan datang dari Khurasan Tiada kuasa akan dapat menghalang mereka dan dimana mereka akhirnya akan sampai ke Jerusalem. mereka akan tegak bendera mereka” (Tirmidhi Sharif).

Hadith Of Black Flags From Khorasan (Afghanistan) in the light of Current Uprisings. Related by Abu Hurayrah Radhiyallahu Anhu. The Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam (Peace be upon him) Said: “(Armies Carrying) Black Flags will come from Khurasan. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Jerusalem where they will erect their flags” (Tirmidhi Sharif).

We are living in a time when the Corrupt are displayed as the Wise People and Wise People as the Corrupt. When The Rich get Richer and the Poor stay Poor.

With this Messages I will attempt explain one Of the Signs from God and the Mystery Surrounding us. WatchVideo n Read Carefully. Think and Observe the Signs Of All Mighty God before it's too late. The HOUR is Coming, it's just a matter Of time . . .

The Nation of The Dajjal á´´á´°

Video ini menerangkan sedikit tentang NEGARA daripada messiah PALSU, Ad-Dajjal. (This Video Explains a little about the NATION of the FALSE Messiah, Ad-Dajjal.

Krisis kemanusiaan Syria: Bencana atau perang media??? Bercakap mengenai krisis kemanusiaan telah menjadi bahan api untuk panggilan Barat untuk campur tangan dalam konflik di Syria. Tetapi sebagai laporan RT Paula Slier, ramai di dalam negara ini adalah semata-mata cuba untuk hidup seperti biasa kehidupan yang mungkin.

Syria humanitarian crisis: Catastrophe or media war?

Talk of a humanitarian crisis has been the fuel for western calls for an intervention in Syria's conflict. But as RT's Paula Slier reports, many inside the country are simply trying to live as normal a life as possible.

ission Of Dajjal-Antichrist: Israel Super Power & Ruling State Of the WORLD

MaliaJYy - Mission of Dajjal-Antichrist: Israel Super Power & Ruling State Of the WORLD: Sheikh Imran Hosein Rahmatullahi 'alaih. In a Friday interview, Mark Glenn, from The Crescent and Cross Solidarity movement, lashed out at Israel for its nuclear stockpile, saying Tel Aviv is the only regime that "has threatened to take the entire world down in a nuclear Armageddon (Malhama) in the instance that her precious experiments in Jewish self-rule in the Middle East ceases to materialize."

"There is no other country in existence today that has basically told the entire world that if we are going to go down we are going to take the rest of the world down with us," he added.

Even Israel's most prominent military professor, Martin Van Creveld, has once alluded to such nuclear ambitions by Israel and confirmed that Tel Aviv has several hundred atomic warheads and rockets targeted at all directions - mostly at European capitals - and that Tel Aviv is ready to take the entire world down before the regime itself ceases to exist, Glenn pointed out.

The analyst expressed regret that the nuclear threat from Israel looms over the WORLD, while Tel Aviv continues to use its mainstream media outlets to level allegations against other countries, accusing them of possessing non-civilian nuclear programs.

Israel is widely believed to be the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Tel Aviv began building its first plutonium and uranium processing facility, Dimona, in the Negev desert in 1958.

Former US President Jimmy Carter has stated that Israel has a nuclear arsenal that includes between 200 and 300 warheads. Decades of recurrent reporting and aerial footage have also established the possession of atomic arms by Israel.

Under its official policy of nuclear ambiguity, Tel Aviv neither confirms nor denies the possession of nukes and refuses to join the (NPT) or allow inspections of its nuclear facilities.

Saudi's turning Blessed Mecca into Dirty Las Vegas 
to Link Islamic World to Zionist Culture . . .

Dajjal Deception: Saudi's regime destroying Islamic Heritage & Constructing Sky Scrapper around Holy Mosques in Mecca and Madina with Haram or unlawful Money Obtain from Blood of Muslim Ummah and Entire Humanity to Link Islamic WORLD to Western ZIONIST Culture So That Muslim ummah should not Unite and Over throw these Hypocrites and Slaves of Materialistic WORLD of Ad-Dajjal.

In Islam the market is to be free and permitted to respond to the natural laws of supply & demand. Thus, when the prices became high in the Prophet's time and people asked him to fix prices for them, he replied,

Allah is the One Who fixes prices, Who withholds, Who gives lavishly, & Who provides, & I hope that when I meet Him none of you will have a claim against me for any injustice with regard to blood or property. (Reported by Ahmad, Abu Daoud, al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, al-Dari and Abu Y'ala).

LIVE 'March terhadap Monsanto' . . .

Penunjuk perasaan anti-GMO menunjukkan di hadapan benih syarikat Monsanto Amerika Syarikat  pada 12 Oktober 2013, di Monbequi, selatan Perancis. Banner berbunyi: “Tidak untuk DUNIA mengikut (Fasad) Monsanto”. (AFP Photo/Pascal Pavani – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

MaliaJYy - Perarakan yang dirancang yang ke-2 terhadap pertanian gergasi Monsanto berlaku di seluruh DUNIA pada hujung minggu ini. Para penunjuk perasaan telah berhimpun terhadap penggunaan syarikat organisma yang diubahsuai secara genetik dan cuba untuk meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai amalan (Fasad) korporat.

Sabtu 12 Oktober

12:40 GMT: RT Peter Oliver adalah hidup di Berlin untuk Mac terhadap acara Monsanto, bercakap kepada pemakanan Heidi Osterman dan Naib Presiden True Food Foundation, Dietrich Wittel.

Mereka menyatakan rasa takut bahawa dengan perjanjian perdagangan akan datang di antara Eropah dan Amerika Utara, Monsanto tidak akan meninggalkan Eropah. Sebaliknya, undang-undang dan peraturan yang diguna pakai di Amerika akan melindungi Monsanto di negara-negara Eropah juga.

12:15 GMT: Anda boleh mengikuti liputan aliran langsung perarakan London terhadap Monsanto dengan mengikuti pautan ini (this).

12:10 GMT: Warga Vienna menyertai perarakan global.

11:55 GMT: Bermula sebagai satu acara yang kecil, Mac pertama terhadap Monsanto pada 25 Mei bertukar menjadi kempen global dengan lebih 2 juta orang di 436 bandar-bandar, di seluruh 52 negara, menyertai perhimpunan.

11:50 GMT: Menduduki penunjuk perasaan di Brisbane, Australia dengan mesej anti-korporat mereka sendiri.

11:20 GMT: Colin O'Neil dari Pusat Keselamatan Makanan RT memberitahu tentang jenis syarikat tekanan seperti Monsanto boleh mengenakan ke atas ahli-ahli politik kerana mereka menolak melalui undang-undang dan paten yang bekerja terhadap petani.

11:17 GMT: Orang di lokasi sebagai jauh sebagai pulau Perancis Reunion juga tuan rumah perarakan mereka.

Anti-GMO (makanan yang diubahsuai secara genetik) penunjuk perasaan memasang sepanduk di hadapan pintu masuk tapak benih syarikat Monsanto Amerika Syarikat pada 12 Oktober 2013 dalam satu hari tindakan terhadap syarikat itu, di Monbequi, selatan Perancis. (AFP Photo/Pascal Pavani – think IN pictures @1WOLDCommunity)

10:40 GMT: Sebuah video daripada pengguna Youtube Charlie Spiering menunjukkan tempat kejadian di Senat Amerika Syarikat pada 11 Oktober, apabila seorang wanita melemparkan sekitar $ 2000 dalam bil di dalam bangunan untuk menyerlahkan hakikat bahawa walaupun penutupan kerajaan berada di tempat di Amerika Syarikat, Monsanto adalah yang “masih membayar ahli-ahli Kongres.”

10:34 GMT: Suasana di San Diego, California, malam sebelum berarak adalah untuk bermula.

09:16 GMT: March India Terhadap Monsanto Mumbai telah mencapai Bandra, Hentian seterusnya - Juhu.

09:00 GMT: Beberapa minit lalu, Moscow sendiri 'March Dengan jagung’ mendapat dijalankan, kerana berpuluh-puluh aktivis berjalan di jalan-jalan utama di bandar ini lulus telinga jagung ditanam tanpa penggunaan GMO.

Ini Moscow March Dengan Jagung, dari halaman acara Rusia sendiri  (Moscow's 'March With Corn', from Russia's own event page (photo from – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Orang ramai mula berarak dari Kuznetsky stesen yang dan maklumat yang berpotensi perbarisan bahawa “Kita boleh diiktiraf oleh jagung dalam tangan kami.”

‘Rusia Tanpa GMO’ kempen bermula pada musim bunga tahun 2013, dan dijangka untuk mengumpul satu juta tandatangan.

Pada 23 September, Perdana Menteri Rusia Dmitry Medvedev telah menandatangani satu undang-undang yang akan membolehkan penanaman benih GMO di Rusia, yang pertama seumpamanya.

08:28 GMT: Pada bulan Oktober, 5, Gerakan terhadap Monsanto melancarkan global ‘Twitter ribut’ meminta orang ramai untuk tweet dan hantar hash-tag tertentu sekerap mungkin.

Mereka menjelaskan dalam satu kenyataan bahawa “Matlamat ribut Twitter ini adalah untuk mendapatkan March dan maklumat mengenai GM tren di Twitter dan Facebook dan membina kesedaran tentang Monsanto dan produk berbahaya dan dasar-dasar mereka.”

08:15 GMT: Sebanyak 52 buah negara dan lebih 500 bandar raya di enam benua dianggarkan menyertai perarakan di seluruh DUNIA terhadap perbadanan itu GMO.

08:10 GMT: Perarakan Sydney sedang dijalankan, serta Perth dan Adelaide, di Australia.

08:00 GMT: Jadual di seluruh DUNIA acara MAM boleh didapati di sini. (The schedule of worldwide MAM events can be found here.)
07:40 GMT: The London perarakan sedang dijalankan, yang dihadiri oleh Dr Vandana Shiva daripada dua minggu Tindakan Seed & Makanan Kebebasan. Kempen Dr Siva untuk kedaulatan benih dan kebebasan maklumat pada makanan. The London MAM akan mempunyai bercakap itu.

'March Against Monsanto': Live Updates

MaliaJYy - The term Fasad appears in chapter 5 (Al-Ma'ida) of Qur'an, verse 32, in the phrase "mischief in the land" (fasaadin fi al-ard):

On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. (Quran 5:32)

This verse follows verses 26-31 which refer to the incident in which Qabil (Cain), son of Adam, killed his brother Habil (Abel).

In chapter 18, (Al-Kahf) of the Qur'an, verse 94, The people of Gog and Magog make "mischief in the land" (mufsiduna fi al-ard): They said, "O Zul-Qarnain, Gog and Magog make mischief in the land. Can we pay you to create a barrier between us and them?” 

The second planned march against agricultural giant Monsanto takes place around the world this weekend. The protesters are rallying against the company’s use of genetically modified organisms and trying to raise awareness about its corporate practices.

Saturday, October 12

12:40 GMT: RT’s Peter Oliver was live in Berlin for the March against Monsanto event, speaking to nutritionist Heidi Osterman and Vice President of the True Food Foundation, Dietrich Wittel.

They express a fear that with the coming trade agreement between Europe and North America, Monsanto will never leave Europe. Instead, the laws and rules that apply in America will be protecting Monsanto in European countries as well.

12:15 GMT: You can follow live streaming coverage of the London march against Monsanto by following this link. 

12:10 GMT: Citizens of Vienna join the global march.

11:55 GMT: Started as a small event, the first March against Monsanto on May 25 turned into a global campaign with over 2 million people in 436 cities, across 52 countries, joining the rallies.

11:50 GMT: Occupy protesters in Brisbane, Australia with their own anti-corporate messages.

11:20 GMT: Colin O'Neil from the Center for Food Safety told RT about the kind of pressure companies like Monsanto can exert on politicians as they push through laws and patents that work against the farmer.

11:17 GMT: People in locations as remote as the French island of Reunion also host their marches.

10:40 GMT: A video from Youtube user Charlie Spiering shows the scene at the US Senate on October 11, when a woman threw around $2000 in bills inside the building to highlight the fact that despite the government shutdown being in place in the US, Monsanto are "still paying Congress members."

10:34 GMT: The atmosphere in San Diego, California, a night before the march was to begin.

09:16 GMT: India's March Against Monsanto Mumbai has reached Bandra, next stop - Juhu.

09:00 GMT: A few minutes ago, the Moscow's own 'A March With Corn' got underway, as dozens of activists walked down the city's central streets passing out ears of corn grown without the use of GMO.

People started marching from the Kuznetsky Most station and informed potential marchers that "We can be recognized by the corn in our hands."

The 'Russia Without GMO' campaign started in the Spring of 2013, and is expected to collect one million signatures.

On September 23, Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed a law that would allow the planting of GMO seeds in Russia, the first of its kind.

08:28 GMT: On October, 5, Movement against Monsanto launched a global 'Twitter storm' asking people to tweet and post certain hash-tags as frequently as possible.

They explained in a statement that “The goal of this Twitter storm is to get the March and info about GMOs trending on Twitter and Facebook and to build awareness about Monsanto and their dangerous products and policies.”

08:15 GMT: A total of 52 countries and over 500 cities across six continents are estimated to be participating in the worldwide march against the GMO corporation.

08:10 GMT: The Sydney march is underway, as well as Perth and Adelaide, in Australia.

07:40 GMT: The London march is underway, attended by Dr. Vandana Shiva of the Fortnight of Action for Seed & Food Freedom. Dr. Shiva campaigns for seed sovereignty and freedom of information on food. The London MAM will have her speaking. 

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