Wednesday 16 October 2013

American Exceptionalism: Monopoly on Democracy? (RT Documentary)

MaliaJYy - Exceptionalism Amerika: Monopoli Demokrasi? (RT Documentary) Apakah exceptionalism Amerika? Di manakah DUNIA Amerika Syarikat monopoli mengenai demokrasi datang? Bagaimana Amerika Syarikat memberi sendiri lesen untuk melakukan kerana ianya mengkehendaki? “Exceptionalism” adalah sebuah filem oleh RT wartawan Anissa Naouai.

American Exceptionalism: Monopoly on Democracy? 
(RT Documentary) . . .

What is American exceptionalism? Where does the US's world monopoly on democracy come from? How does the US give itself license to do as it pleases? "Exceptionalism" is a film by RT correspondent Anissa Naouai.

hadis megenai bendera Hitam dari Khurasan (Afghanistan) 

Berkaitan riwayat oleh Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu anhu. Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam berkata:. "(tentera‘Allah yang membawa) Bendera Hitam akan datang dari Khurasan Tiada kuasa akan dapat menghalang mereka dan dimana mereka akhirnya akan sampai ke Jerusalem. mereka akan tegak bendera mereka” (Tirmidhi Sharif).

Hadith Of Black Flags From Khorasan (Afghanistan) in the light of Current Uprisings. Related by Abu Hurayrah Radhiyallahu Anhu. The Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam (Peace be upon him) Said: “(Armies Carrying) Black Flags will come from Khurasan. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Jerusalem where they will erect their flags” (Tirmidhi Sharif).

We are living in a time when the Corrupt are displayed as the Wise People and Wise People as the Corrupt. When The Rich get Richer and the Poor stay Poor.

With this Messages I will attempt explain one Of the Signs from God and the Mystery Surrounding us. WatchVideo n Read Carefully. Think and Observe the Signs Of All Mighty God before it's too late. The HOUR is Coming, it's just a matter Of time . . .

The Nation of The Dajjal ᴴᴰ

Video ini menerangkan sedikit tentang NEGARA daripada messiah PALSU, Ad-Dajjal. (This Video Explains a little about the NATION of the FALSE Messiah, Ad-Dajjal.

Krisis kemanusiaan Syria: Bencana atau perang media??? Bercakap mengenai krisis kemanusiaan telah menjadi bahan api untuk panggilan Barat untuk campur tangan dalam konflik di Syria. Tetapi sebagai laporan RT Paula Slier, ramai di dalam negara ini adalah semata-mata cuba untuk hidup seperti biasa kehidupan yang mungkin.

Syria humanitarian crisis: Catastrophe or media war?

Talk of a humanitarian crisis has been the fuel for western calls for an intervention in Syria's conflict. But as RT's Paula Slier reports, many inside the country are simply trying to live as normal a life as possible.

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