Wednesday 16 October 2013

LIVE 'March terhadap Monsanto' . . .

Penunjuk perasaan anti-GMO menunjukkan di hadapan benih syarikat Monsanto Amerika Syarikat  pada 12 Oktober 2013, di Monbequi, selatan Perancis. Banner berbunyi: “Tidak untuk DUNIA mengikut (Fasad) Monsanto”. (AFP Photo/Pascal Pavani – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

MaliaJYy - Perarakan yang dirancang yang ke-2 terhadap pertanian gergasi Monsanto berlaku di seluruh DUNIA pada hujung minggu ini. Para penunjuk perasaan telah berhimpun terhadap penggunaan syarikat organisma yang diubahsuai secara genetik dan cuba untuk meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai amalan (Fasad) korporat.

Sabtu 12 Oktober

12:40 GMT: RT Peter Oliver adalah hidup di Berlin untuk Mac terhadap acara Monsanto, bercakap kepada pemakanan Heidi Osterman dan Naib Presiden True Food Foundation, Dietrich Wittel.

Mereka menyatakan rasa takut bahawa dengan perjanjian perdagangan akan datang di antara Eropah dan Amerika Utara, Monsanto tidak akan meninggalkan Eropah. Sebaliknya, undang-undang dan peraturan yang diguna pakai di Amerika akan melindungi Monsanto di negara-negara Eropah juga.

12:15 GMT: Anda boleh mengikuti liputan aliran langsung perarakan London terhadap Monsanto dengan mengikuti pautan ini (this).

12:10 GMT: Warga Vienna menyertai perarakan global.

11:55 GMT: Bermula sebagai satu acara yang kecil, Mac pertama terhadap Monsanto pada 25 Mei bertukar menjadi kempen global dengan lebih 2 juta orang di 436 bandar-bandar, di seluruh 52 negara, menyertai perhimpunan.

11:50 GMT: Menduduki penunjuk perasaan di Brisbane, Australia dengan mesej anti-korporat mereka sendiri.

11:20 GMT: Colin O'Neil dari Pusat Keselamatan Makanan RT memberitahu tentang jenis syarikat tekanan seperti Monsanto boleh mengenakan ke atas ahli-ahli politik kerana mereka menolak melalui undang-undang dan paten yang bekerja terhadap petani.

11:17 GMT: Orang di lokasi sebagai jauh sebagai pulau Perancis Reunion juga tuan rumah perarakan mereka.

Anti-GMO (makanan yang diubahsuai secara genetik) penunjuk perasaan memasang sepanduk di hadapan pintu masuk tapak benih syarikat Monsanto Amerika Syarikat pada 12 Oktober 2013 dalam satu hari tindakan terhadap syarikat itu, di Monbequi, selatan Perancis. (AFP Photo/Pascal Pavani – think IN pictures @1WOLDCommunity)

10:40 GMT: Sebuah video daripada pengguna Youtube Charlie Spiering menunjukkan tempat kejadian di Senat Amerika Syarikat pada 11 Oktober, apabila seorang wanita melemparkan sekitar $ 2000 dalam bil di dalam bangunan untuk menyerlahkan hakikat bahawa walaupun penutupan kerajaan berada di tempat di Amerika Syarikat, Monsanto adalah yang “masih membayar ahli-ahli Kongres.”

10:34 GMT: Suasana di San Diego, California, malam sebelum berarak adalah untuk bermula.

09:16 GMT: March India Terhadap Monsanto Mumbai telah mencapai Bandra, Hentian seterusnya - Juhu.

09:00 GMT: Beberapa minit lalu, Moscow sendiri 'March Dengan jagung’ mendapat dijalankan, kerana berpuluh-puluh aktivis berjalan di jalan-jalan utama di bandar ini lulus telinga jagung ditanam tanpa penggunaan GMO.

Ini Moscow March Dengan Jagung, dari halaman acara Rusia sendiri  (Moscow's 'March With Corn', from Russia's own event page (photo from – think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)

Orang ramai mula berarak dari Kuznetsky stesen yang dan maklumat yang berpotensi perbarisan bahawa “Kita boleh diiktiraf oleh jagung dalam tangan kami.”

‘Rusia Tanpa GMO’ kempen bermula pada musim bunga tahun 2013, dan dijangka untuk mengumpul satu juta tandatangan.

Pada 23 September, Perdana Menteri Rusia Dmitry Medvedev telah menandatangani satu undang-undang yang akan membolehkan penanaman benih GMO di Rusia, yang pertama seumpamanya.

08:28 GMT: Pada bulan Oktober, 5, Gerakan terhadap Monsanto melancarkan global ‘Twitter ribut’ meminta orang ramai untuk tweet dan hantar hash-tag tertentu sekerap mungkin.

Mereka menjelaskan dalam satu kenyataan bahawa “Matlamat ribut Twitter ini adalah untuk mendapatkan March dan maklumat mengenai GM tren di Twitter dan Facebook dan membina kesedaran tentang Monsanto dan produk berbahaya dan dasar-dasar mereka.”

08:15 GMT: Sebanyak 52 buah negara dan lebih 500 bandar raya di enam benua dianggarkan menyertai perarakan di seluruh DUNIA terhadap perbadanan itu GMO.

08:10 GMT: Perarakan Sydney sedang dijalankan, serta Perth dan Adelaide, di Australia.

08:00 GMT: Jadual di seluruh DUNIA acara MAM boleh didapati di sini. (The schedule of worldwide MAM events can be found here.)
07:40 GMT: The London perarakan sedang dijalankan, yang dihadiri oleh Dr Vandana Shiva daripada dua minggu Tindakan Seed & Makanan Kebebasan. Kempen Dr Siva untuk kedaulatan benih dan kebebasan maklumat pada makanan. The London MAM akan mempunyai bercakap itu.

'March Against Monsanto': Live Updates

MaliaJYy - The term Fasad appears in chapter 5 (Al-Ma'ida) of Qur'an, verse 32, in the phrase "mischief in the land" (fasaadin fi al-ard):

On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. (Quran 5:32)

This verse follows verses 26-31 which refer to the incident in which Qabil (Cain), son of Adam, killed his brother Habil (Abel).

In chapter 18, (Al-Kahf) of the Qur'an, verse 94, The people of Gog and Magog make "mischief in the land" (mufsiduna fi al-ard): They said, "O Zul-Qarnain, Gog and Magog make mischief in the land. Can we pay you to create a barrier between us and them?” 

The second planned march against agricultural giant Monsanto takes place around the world this weekend. The protesters are rallying against the company’s use of genetically modified organisms and trying to raise awareness about its corporate practices.

Saturday, October 12

12:40 GMT: RT’s Peter Oliver was live in Berlin for the March against Monsanto event, speaking to nutritionist Heidi Osterman and Vice President of the True Food Foundation, Dietrich Wittel.

They express a fear that with the coming trade agreement between Europe and North America, Monsanto will never leave Europe. Instead, the laws and rules that apply in America will be protecting Monsanto in European countries as well.

12:15 GMT: You can follow live streaming coverage of the London march against Monsanto by following this link. 

12:10 GMT: Citizens of Vienna join the global march.

11:55 GMT: Started as a small event, the first March against Monsanto on May 25 turned into a global campaign with over 2 million people in 436 cities, across 52 countries, joining the rallies.

11:50 GMT: Occupy protesters in Brisbane, Australia with their own anti-corporate messages.

11:20 GMT: Colin O'Neil from the Center for Food Safety told RT about the kind of pressure companies like Monsanto can exert on politicians as they push through laws and patents that work against the farmer.

11:17 GMT: People in locations as remote as the French island of Reunion also host their marches.

10:40 GMT: A video from Youtube user Charlie Spiering shows the scene at the US Senate on October 11, when a woman threw around $2000 in bills inside the building to highlight the fact that despite the government shutdown being in place in the US, Monsanto are "still paying Congress members."

10:34 GMT: The atmosphere in San Diego, California, a night before the march was to begin.

09:16 GMT: India's March Against Monsanto Mumbai has reached Bandra, next stop - Juhu.

09:00 GMT: A few minutes ago, the Moscow's own 'A March With Corn' got underway, as dozens of activists walked down the city's central streets passing out ears of corn grown without the use of GMO.

People started marching from the Kuznetsky Most station and informed potential marchers that "We can be recognized by the corn in our hands."

The 'Russia Without GMO' campaign started in the Spring of 2013, and is expected to collect one million signatures.

On September 23, Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed a law that would allow the planting of GMO seeds in Russia, the first of its kind.

08:28 GMT: On October, 5, Movement against Monsanto launched a global 'Twitter storm' asking people to tweet and post certain hash-tags as frequently as possible.

They explained in a statement that “The goal of this Twitter storm is to get the March and info about GMOs trending on Twitter and Facebook and to build awareness about Monsanto and their dangerous products and policies.”

08:15 GMT: A total of 52 countries and over 500 cities across six continents are estimated to be participating in the worldwide march against the GMO corporation.

08:10 GMT: The Sydney march is underway, as well as Perth and Adelaide, in Australia.

07:40 GMT: The London march is underway, attended by Dr. Vandana Shiva of the Fortnight of Action for Seed & Food Freedom. Dr. Shiva campaigns for seed sovereignty and freedom of information on food. The London MAM will have her speaking. 

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