Monday 16 September 2013

Dari pertempuran: Krew RT di tengah-tengah pertempuran teratur antara tentera Syria, pemberontak . . .

MaliaJYy - Dari pertempuran: RT krew di tengah-tengah pertempuran teratur antara tentera Syria, pemberontak. Sebagai langkah tentera Syria sehingga serangan terhadap pasukan pemberontak - RT Maria Finoshina dapat melihat satu serbuan tentera setiap hari di pinggir Damsyik.

IKUTI Terkini LIVE mengenai krisis Syria senjata kimia '(FOLLOW LIVE UPDATES 
On Syria 'Chemical Weapons' Crisis):

From the Firefight: RT crew amid pitched battle between Syrian army, rebels. As the Syrian army steps up its offensive against rebel forces - RT's Maria Finoshina got to see a daily military raid on the outskirts of Damascus.

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