Friday 13 September 2013

Huru-hara AkhirZAMAN (2013 Dz‘Qaidah1434) laporan: Di dalam pertempuran di kampung Kristian KUNO purba Syria (VIDEO)

MaliaJYy - laporan Dramatik: Di dalam pertempuran di kampung Kristian KUNO purba Syria (VIDEO) pemberontak Anti-Assad telah dipaksa keluar dari banyak bahagian kampung Kristian KUNO purba Syria Maaloula, tetapi pertempuran masih belarutan, Wartawan RT Maria Finoshina laporan dari tempat kejadian.

Selepas tiba di tengah-tengah kampung pada Rabu, Maria Finoshina dan krew kamera RT menyaksikan tanda-tanda pertempuran baru-baru ini dan mendengar serangan. Askar Tentera Syria berkata kampung itu dibebaskan dari jihad. Tuntutan itu di kemudian hari akan berubah menjadi pra-matang.

Pejuang Barisan Al ‘Nusra pertama menyerang kampung itu pada Rabu lepas. Berikut 7 hari menyaksikan Maaloula robek antara kedua pemberontak dan tentera kerajaan, dengan kedua-dua kawalan sekala mendapat lalui kampung.

Beberapa penduduk, yang mendakwa pemberontak telah melakukan rompakan, hukuman mati dan memaksa penduduk untuk memeluk agama Islam, memilih untuk menyertai tentera untuk mempertahankan kampung mereka. 

Antaranya, Saba Ubeid, pemilik kedai, berkata apabila difilemkan oleh RT pada tahun 2012 bahawa dia adalah pasti pemberontak tidak akan datang ke kampong ini. Kali ini beliau bersenjatakan dan berjuang bersama-sama tentera Syria.

“Mereka menghantar pengganas di sini dari seluruh pelusuk DUNIA untuk membunuh orang Syria dan satu sama lain. Mengapa? Saya tanya DUNIA, mengapa? “Dia meraung. “Walaupun di Eropah jika warganegara hanya menampar pada muka, akan ada skandal. Walaupun Syria - berapa banyak mangsa, berapa banyak ratusan ribu telah disembelih? Bilakah ia akan berhenti?”

Maaloula, sebuah kampung gunung 2,000 orang, adalah pusat agama Kristian di rantau ini. Bersama-sama dengan Katolik dan biara Ortodoks terdapat tinggalan banyak biara, gereja-gereja, kuil dan tempat perlindungan. 

Ia juga merupakan salah satu daripada beberapa tempat di DUNIA di mana orang ramai masih bercakap Western Aramaic, bahasa Bible bahawa Nabi Allah Isa Alayhis Sallam yang dipercayai telah digunakan disini.

Kampung, yang dibina ke dalam gunung lasak, adalah destinasi utama bagi ibadah ziarah Kristian dan umat Islam dari seluruh DUNIA. Ia adalah tempat perlindungan KUNO purba dalam senarai UNESCO cadangan tapak Warisan DUNIA.

Walaupun laporan sekali sekala tentera kerajaan mendapatkan semula kawalan ke atas kampung itu, pada masa yang RT Maria Finoshina berada di Maaloula pemberontak masih menduduki Safir hotel puncak gunung, sudut pandangan strategik untuk serangan sniper.

“Matlamat kami adalah untuk membebaskan dan pergi ke biara Mar Takhla, tetapi kita masih belum dapat,” kata seorang tentera.

Biara Mar Takhla - salah satu yang tertua di Syria - memegang tinggalan St Takhla, yang dikatakan telah ditukar orang ramai kepada agama Kristian di Syria.

Dalam perjalanan mereka keluar dari Maaloula, RT telah terperangkap dalam tembak menembak sana- sini antara pemberontak dan tentera kerajaan. Jurutera sedikit kecederaan. Krew RT meninggalkan kampung apabila ia sudah gelap. Tentera kerajaan masih meneruskan serangan mereka di Maaloula.

Dramatic report: Inside the battle for Syria's 
ancient Christian village (VIDEO) . . .

Anti-Assad rebels have been forced out of many parts of Syria’s ancient Christian village of Maaloula, but the fighting there remains heavy, RT correspondent Maria Finoshina reports from the scene.

After arriving in the center of the village Wednesday, Maria Finoshina and the RT camera crew saw signs of a recent battle and heard shelling. Syrian Army soldiers said the village was freed from jihadists. The claim would later in the day turn out to be premature.

Al 'Nusra Front fighters first attacked the village last Wednesday. The following seven days saw Maaloula torn between the rebels and government forces, with both occasionally gaining control over the village.

Some residents, who claim rebels have resorted to looting, executions and forcing residents to convert to Islam, chose to join the Army to defend their village. Among them, Saba Ubeid, a store owner, said when filmed by RT in 2012 that he was sure the rebels would never come to the village. This time he was armed with a gun and fought alongside Syrian soldiers.
“They sent terrorists here from all corners of the world to kill Syrian people and each other. Why? I ask the world, why?” he cried out.  “While in Europe if a citizen is simply slapped in his face, there'll be a scandal. While Syrians – how many victims, how many hundreds of thousands have been slaughtered? When it will stop?”

Maaloula, a mountain village of 2,000 people, is the center of Christianity in the region. Alongside with Catholic and Orthodox monasteries there are the remains of numerous convents, churches, shrines and sanctuaries. It is also one of the very few places in the world where people still speak Western Aramaic, a Biblical language that Jesus is believed to have spoken.
The village, built into a rugged mountainside, is a major pilgrimage destination for Christians and Muslims from around the world. It is an ancient sanctuary on a UNESCO list of proposed World Heritage sites.

Despite sporadic reports of government troops regaining control over the village, at the time RT’s Maria Finoshina was in Maaloula the rebels still occupied the mountaintop Safir hotel, a strategic vantage point for sniper attacks.

“Our goal was to free it and go to the Mar Takhla monastery, but we still haven’t have been able to,” one of the soldiers says.

The Mar Takhla monastery – one of the oldest in Syria – holds the remains of St. Takhla, who is said to have converted many people to Christianity in Syria.

On their way out of Maaloula, the RT were caught up in the crossfire between the rebels and the government troops. The engineer was slightly injured. The RT crew left the village when it was already dark. Government forces were still continuing their offensive on Maaloula.

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