Thursday 15 August 2013

Huru-hara kembali ke jalan-raya di Kaherah – (Eksklusif)

Malia JYy - Huru-hara kembali ke jalan-raya di Kaherah – (eksklusif). Wartawan Euronews Mohammed Shaikhibrahim adalah salah seorang wartawan pertama yang memasuki persegi Rabaa Al ‘Adawiya di Kaherah ianya telah dibersihkan oleh pasukan keselamatan.

Beliau berkata kejadian itu menunjukkan selepas pembunuhan beramai-ramai. Di dalam persegi penyokong persaudaraan Islam ditinjau bangkai kem mereka. Terdapat kolam darah di atas tanah dan mayat sedang dijalankan. Penunjuk perasaan telah dipecahkan runtuhan untuk digunakan sebagai senjata menentang kuasa-kuasa keselamatan. Satu penunjuk perasaan menggambarkan bagaimana tentera yang membersihkan kem: “Pesawat telah overflown zon dan telah menhujani kami, penembak tepat di seluruh tempat telah tembak kami dengan peluru hidup," katanya.

Pasukan keselamatan dengan jentolak berperisai menyerbu persegi awal pagi. Ruang yang telah diduduki oleh penyokong bekas Presiden Mohammed Morsi, yang digulingkan oleh tentera pada awal Julai. Kementerian Kesihatan berkata, 149 orang terbunuh dan 1,400 cedera. Ikhwan Muslimin meletakkan bilangan mati pada 2,000. Antara mereka jurukamera British, Mick Deane dan wartawan akhbar Dubai, Habiba Ahmed Abd Elaziz.

Sebagai wartawan kami telah mencatatkan laporan, beliau dan jurukamera beliau datang di bawah serangan dari penembak tepat. Mohammed Shaikhibrahim berkata: “Penyokong-penyokong persaudaraan Islam berada di sini dan terus mempertahankan diri mereka di persegi Rabaa Al ‘Adawiya di mana pertempuran berlangsung selama beberapa jam dan seperti yang anda boleh lihat peluru yang datang dari mana-mana di dataran ini.” Wartawan kami memberitahu kita bahawa gas pemedih mata yang digunakan oleh tentera adalah jauh lebih kuat daripada biasa.

Chaos returns to the streets of Cairo - exclusive. Euronews correspondent Mohammed Shaikhibrahim was one of the first journalists to enter Rabaa al-Adawiya square in Cairo as it was being cleared by security forces.

He says the scene showed the aftermath of a massacre. Inside the square Muslim brotherhood supporters surveyed the wreckage of their camp. There were pools of blood on the ground and dead bodies are being carried out. Protesters had broken up rubble to use as weapons against the security forces. One protester described how the military cleared the camp: "Planes have overflown the zone and have bombarded us, the snipers all around have shot us with live bullets," he said.

Security forces with armoured bulldozers stormed the square early in the morning. The space had been occupied by supporters of former president Mohammed Morsi, who was overthrown by the military in early July. The health ministry says 149 people have been killed and 1,400 injured. The Muslim Brotherhood puts the number of dead at 2,000. Amongst them British cameraman, Mick Deane and Dubai newspaper reporter, Habiba Ahmed Abd Elaziz.

As our correspondent was recording his report, he and his cameraman came under fire from snipers. Mohammed Shaikhibrahim said: "The Muslim brotherhood supporters are here and continue to defend themselves on the Rabaa al-Adawiya square where the clashes last for several hours and as you can see the bullets are coming from everywhere on this square." Our correspondent tells us that the tear gas used by the military is far stronger than usual.

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