Thursday 15 August 2013

Kaherah tindakan keras Kekacauan: Video pertempuran maut sebagai protes merebak . . .

Malia JYy - Kaherah tindakan keras Kekacauan: Video pertempuran maut sebagai protes merebak. Berpuluh-puluh orang dilaporkan terbunuh dalam pertempuran Rabu sebagai pasukan keselamatan Mesir ganas berpecah duduk di kem-kem penyokong Ikhwan Muslimin di Kaherah. Pegawai berkata sekurang-kurangnya 15 orang mati, manakala anggaran pelbagai pemberita meletakkan tol di 40-90.

Cairo Crackdown Chaos: Video of deadly clashes as protests spread. Dozens of people were reported killed in clashes Wednesday as Egyptian security forces violently broke up sit-in camps of Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Cairo. Officials say at least 15 are dead, while various reporters' estimates put the toll at 40-90.

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