Thursday 15 August 2013

Kaherah di bawah Perintah berkurung Selepas Pertumpahan Darah terburuk dalam beberapa dekad . . .

MaliaJYy - Kaherah di bawah perintah berkurung selepas pertumpahan darah terburuk dalam beberapa dekad. Jalan-raya Kaherah sebahagian besarnya kosong pada malam Rabu sebagai bandar yang telah diletakkan di bawah perintah berkurung selepas pertumpahan darah Mesir terburuk dalam beberapa dekad. Tentera juga mengumumkan negara sebulan kecemasan.

Jumlah rasmi mati selepas tentera pecahkan kem bantahan Islam adalah kira-kira 300 seluruh negara. Ikhwan Muslimin mendakwa bilangan sebenar adalah jauh lebih tinggi.

Kerajaan sementara Mesir telah mempertahankan tindakan keras. “Saya percaya bahawa selepas mengumumkan keadaan darurat, dan selepas presiden yang diberi mandat tentera untuk membantu polis, kita tidak akan membenarkan mana-mana yang lain ‘Sit-in di mana-mana tempat di negara ini, tidak kira apa pengorbanan,” kata Menteri Dalam Negeri interim Mohamed Ibrahim.

Kesabaran tentera Mesir kehabisan semalam - 2 ‘Sit-in di Kaherah di mana penyokong Presiden Mohamed Mursi yang digulingkan telah selama beberapa minggu enggan meninggalkan sehingga ia semula, telah dibersihkan.

Menurut rakaman tentera, pasukan keselamatan bertindak dengan menahan diri dalam menghadapi apa yang mereka katakan adalah penunjuk perasaan bersenjata. Yang mati dan cedera telah dibawa ke hospital tempatan di mana doktor menyifatkan tempat kejadian kerana selepas pembunuhan beramai-ramai.

“Semua orang cedera yang datang ke hospital dilanda peluru hidup dan bukanya birdshot,” kata seorang doktor di Al ‘Adawiya hospital. Tentera telah menegaskan ia tidak mencari kuasa dan bertindak sebagai tindak balas kepada demonstrasi besar-besaran menyeru penyingkiran Mursi ini.

Cairo under curfew after worst bloodshed in decades. Cairo's streets were largely empty on Wednesday night as the city was put under curfew after Egypt's worst bloodshed in decades. The army also announced a month-long state of emergency.

The official number of dead after the military broke up Islamist protest camps is around 300 nationwide. The Muslim Brotherhood claims the true number is far higher.

Egypt's interim government has defended the crackdown. "I believe that after announcing the state of emergency, and after the president mandated the military to assist the police, we will not allow any other sit-ins in any place in the country, no matter what the sacrifice," said interim Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim.

The patience of Egypt's military ran out yesterday - the two sit-ins in Cairo where supporters of ousted President Mohamed Mursi had for weeks refused to leave until he was reinstated, were cleared.

According to army footage, the security forces acted with restraint in the face of what they said were armed protesters. The dead and injured were taken to local hospitals where doctors described the scene as the aftermath of a massacre.

"All the injured people that came to the hospital were hit by real bullets and not birdshot, " said one doctor at al-Adawiya hospital. The army has insisted it is not seeking power and acted in response to mass demonstrations calling for Mursi's removal.

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