Thursday 15 August 2013

Pertempuran Merebak ke Seluruh Mesir . . .

Malia JYy - Pertempuran merebak ke seluruh Mesir. Di luar ibu negara Mesir, konfrontasi berdarah telah merebak dari Utara ke Selatan.

Penyokong Mursi telah bertempur dengan pihak polis dalam babak mengulangi peperangan yang berjalan di Kaherah. Hanya 100km dalam berpuluh-puluh Faiyum telah terbunuh, menurut Kementerian Kesihatan menambah kepada peningkatan jumlah kematian.

Televisyen negeri melaporkan bahawa perintah berkurung telah dikenakan bermula 7:00-6:00 di 11 daripada 27 wilayah termasuk Alexandria dan Suez. Lagi di sepanjang sungai Nil, pertempuran meletus di Minya, Assiut dan Aswan. Penyokong Mursi dikatakan telah membakar bangunan-bangunan kerajaan.

Violent clashes spread across Egypt. Outside of the Egyptian capital, the bloody confrontations have spread from North to South.

Mursi supporters have clashed with police in scenes echoing the running battles in Cairo. Just 100km away in Faiyum dozens have been killed, according to the Health Ministry adding to the rising death toll.

State Television reported that a curfew has been imposed starting from 7pm to 6am in 11 of the 27 provinces including Alexandria and Suez.  Further along the Nile river, violent clashes erupted in Minya, Assiut and Aswan. Mursi supporters were said to have set fire to government buildings.

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